Sunday, December 9, 2012

What music means to me!

Music means to me alot because through music i am able o get out and forget about everything that hurt, worried, or gets me mad. music calm me down when i am about to explote of angry, through music i express my feelings, some people fight through music but other let the world know how hard as been their life's or how much they love somebody or something, that's really good because that what the music is for, to let everybody know what how you feel about anyone or anything.
i love almost every kind of music, one of my dreams is to learn how to play the piano, which is my favorite instrument, and i want to know how to play the piano so i can play the music that Beethoven or Mozart played! because that's music that inspire and relax me, well music is the most important weapon that i have to let my feelings get out of my head. that's why music means the world to me!

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