Friday, January 4, 2013

What does 2013 have in store for me!

I dont really no what 2013 have stored for me, because i am just staring it, but I hope and I pray every single day so 2013 bring to me good stuff, I'm going to work really hard so 2013  became a good year for me I dont want to regret nothing of this year I want to enjoy it I want it to be an easy year I want this year to worth my expectation. I hope that all the goals that i have in this year  become true, I hope that my family have good health i hope i gaing fiends and family not lose them, I am exited for this new year because for me always the bigining of smething is good you have the change of wacht the things you are doing and  be sure you not making the same mistakes that to make before.
well i positive thinking that 2013 have in stred for me, the best things and i am going to be happy and succesful all full year!.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Music Poem.


Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how its used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
Music can make you choose new friends
Music can make you want to dance
Music can make you fight
Music can make everything alright
Music can take care of you when your alone
Music can make everything feel like home
Music can harm and take away
Music can make you want to stay
Music is the only friend I have
Music is my mom and dad
Music is what keeps me alive
When I feel like I can't survive Music


It's easier for you to walk away, than it is for you to reach out to me.
It's easier for you to look away, than it is for you to see the depth of my despair.
It's easier for you to look through me, than it is for you to see "me."
It's easier for you to distance yourself, than it is for you to really care.
It's easier for you to hear, than it is for you to listen.
It's easier for you to judge, than it is for you to understand.
It's easier for you to label, than it is to get acquainted.
It's easier for you to bask in your joy, than it is for you to feel my pain.
It's easier for you to bewilder at my mysteries, than it is for you to probe deeply into the depths of my soul.

It's easier for me to look away, than it is to let you see the feelings betrayed through my eyes.
It's easier for me to cry, than it is for me to talk.
It's easier for me to walk alone, than it is to risk rejection.
It's easier for me to push you away, than it is for me to be held.
It's easier for me to distance myself, than it is to trust that you won´t hurt me.
It's easier for me to die, than it is for me to face life's challenges.

It's hard for me to smile when I am hurting.
It's hard for me to talk when you won't understand.
It's hard for me to reach out when I need help the most.

If only you'd really look at me and see who I am.
If only you cared enough to reach out when I push you away.
If only you'd hold me, without asking why.
If only you'd acknowledge the validity of my feelings.

But it's the easy roads that are most often taken.
And so I hurt alone.

--Jo A. Witt

This poem talks about how this person is hurt, and how hard is for he/she  to do this whe he/she is hurt.

This is related to me because when somebody or something hurt me i feel the  same way as this person.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A poem!.

I’m trying to find something to base my life upon,
Something in this strange world that goes on and on.
As the years go by and time fades away,
What used to be "good days" are now filled with dismay.
Tomorrow comes, and then again, it goes,
And my ambition to become something more, grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
The life I want now, gets closer each day.
All I've ever wanted was something to live for,
I don’t want to be this little person anymore.
I’ve been basing my life upon what others think,
I wish I could go back and redo everything, every time an eye would blink.
I've fought to become who I am and what I want to be,
I have to remind myself that one day, I will be free.
Free from the rules I followed as a child,
When everything was a game and life was so mild.
Now times have changed and I realize nothing is fair,
And sometimes it seems like nobody even cares.
It’s like no one pays attention to what I feel is best for me,
And what I think about the way some things should be.
I understand now, that I’m pretty much on my own,
And I know a lot of what I can do will never be known.
All the time, I think about everything I can’t say, what I have to keep in,
And by doing this, my thoughts only get more complicated and deepen.
Soon I hope to find out who I am, and what I am meant to become,
I want to know where I’m going, I don’t need to be reminded of where I came from.


This poem talks about how hard the life can be and when you thing to can do everything and that everything is solve in your life, life gives you more callenges to complete and you need to star all over again!
so this poem is life me life when i think everthing s good and set up every thing changes and i need to star al over again no matter how hard it can be.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What music means to me!

Music means to me alot because through music i am able o get out and forget about everything that hurt, worried, or gets me mad. music calm me down when i am about to explote of angry, through music i express my feelings, some people fight through music but other let the world know how hard as been their life's or how much they love somebody or something, that's really good because that what the music is for, to let everybody know what how you feel about anyone or anything.
i love almost every kind of music, one of my dreams is to learn how to play the piano, which is my favorite instrument, and i want to know how to play the piano so i can play the music that Beethoven or Mozart played! because that's music that inspire and relax me, well music is the most important weapon that i have to let my feelings get out of my head. that's why music means the world to me!

What kind of person i am

 I am a strong person, I never give up on something that I want,  people can hurt me but they never are going to see me suffering because life everyday gives me millions of reason to go on and keep smiling, I am a honest and very direct person, if I have something to say I say it, i hate people that lie, there is no point to lie, the true can never be hide. something that somebody can say that is bad about me is that I have a very explosive temper I don't play around  when I'm mad or when something don't like me. people that talks behind my back without know me are people that in my opinion needs to get a own life and stop getting into mine. because only god can judge me and the way I live my life

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The love of my life.

The love of my life who owns my entire life who makes me the happiest woman in the world everytime he smiles, who had brought me the bigest challenge in my life because be a mom is hard but been a teen mom is even more.
i know that because of him i'm always tired, have ayes bags, got completely worried and scared when he is in the hospital. Because of him i have been through the most difficult situations that i never imagine that i was going to live. but if i ever need to pass for this situations again just for having him in my life, i would do it again no matter how many times!, because he is the most important guy in my life, without him i'm nothing!
i will be always by his side, Always taking care of him, love him, growing with him, walking through life with him, and learning with him because nobody give me a book and thought me how to be a mom, but i'm always trying my best to be the best mom to him! i know that it was to early to bring you to this world but i will never regret the decision of having you! because you are the most important gift and bless that god could ever give me. the love of my life is a little cute babby named Brayan Daniel, and i am glad to called him my SON.